Sunday, August 17, 2014

Taking Time out To RE-Examine our Thinking

If we are to set our differences of opinion as researchers aside-We must begin to look at our selves as researchers and ask the right questions.
All of the signs of our current thinking, Ideas and opinions as eyewitnesses and researchers concerning the subject of Sasquatch/Bigfoot come out in our inevitable behaviors and actions. This cannot be avoided.
The things we think and say, the beliefs we have and so on, all take root because of what we learn about this subject, or in most cases in our subject, "What We Think We Learn." But if as we learn, what we learn has been defined by a "limited scope of the truth" or even false information, we only have that information to build on. It is a cold hard fact that most of our research community-has NOT seen a Bigfoot up close in spite of the countless hours spent in the field looking. So we depend on what seems like the most reliable sources for information. People with Credentials or "Clout" so to speak. That does not mean that the information we receive from these "trusted" authorities is accurate or that it has any premise in reality when the evidence is examined. The use of confusing scientific terms on the uneducated is one way the public is manipulated or trained into thinking the information is solid. Make no mistake, these "Icons" of Bigfoot research that are a part of mainstream science academia are held up and praised, for their interest in the subject, but the way they perceive and promote the evidence is not from an eyewitness perspective, the fact is; these individuals have never seen a Bigfoot and are promoting biased, and bogus research theory and "possible" conclusions for what this species is. 
 This “limited” or "False" perspective we develop and build into the foundation of our beliefs on the subject of Bigfoot, has a direct effect on the Bigfoot community because we then act on our beliefs. What if most of the thinking and belief you have on the subject was intentionally created with a motive? What if you've unwittingly been exposed to information that has no base in what we eyewitnesses are telling these scientists? What if what you think is being subtly changed or manipulated over time? How would that effect your research? Ever wonder why so many eyewitnesses describe and believe this species is a type of human and why science and those others who have never seen one continue to push that the species is a "North American Ape?" 
My research has taken me into areas of investigation that have shown me absolutely, that our thinking as researchers is being manipulated by a machine with the motives to do so. "MAINSTREAM MODERN DAY SCIENCE AT IT'S TOP LEVELS."
Science has never committed or admitted that the species is real, in spite of the thousands of eyewitnesses, including me. However when mainstream science is involved in television programming, they are promoting the exact opposite of what eyewitnesses say they have seen. They appear to not be listening to us. If I was just saying this and there was no evidence of what I am saying, that would be one thing, but the evidence of this campaign of mass distraction is view-able right now in the television programming you have viewed and can view over again.
 They are doing this with one purpose in mind; program the public into mass, autocratic denial. First, of the existence of Bigfoot, and for those who already know they exist and have seen one, to keep them from the inevitable truth of what Bigfoot/Sasquatch really is.
The signs of these; “Trained auto-responses” to the subject of Bigfoot that have been programmed into the minds of millions are obvious and consistent within the opinions and behaviors of the public and unfortunately our research community; they are not the “natural” responses that any of us would develop through a truly “Objective” examination of all the evidence. Whatever you think right now, know this; the truth is much more serious than you could ever imagine, or the diversion would not exist.
This “programming” we have all been subjected to, can never fill the void of endless questions that we have about this subject.
Instead, in the minds of the public, these “half truths” and subjectively biased expert opinions are rather like a threadbare fabric that perpetually deteriorates with hard won experience. As a result these lies we are presented must be constantly reattached, rewoven and reinforced in the minds of the public, less the truth be discovered.
The fabric of this “diversion” from reality was implemented with one thing in mind; to keep all of us from unity and the inevitable action that will undue the foundations of evolutionary science itself.
All I can do is tell you how all this unfolded for me, show you what I have found and what I see going on within the subject of Bigfoot. In the end you must look at all of what will be covered here to re-think all this for yourself.
Right now you’re probably like I was, blissfully unaware. But, if you actually begin to really look at what is covered in the following posts, the information provided will will heighten your awareness to some unbelievable facts and you will begin to see that there is another less obvious truth surrounding the subject of Bigfoot.
It exists right under your nose in plain sight. This subtle blurring of the truth is not hidden in any way; it is literally…the information itself. We have all seen it; it’s been presented to us by science and the media. If you’ve ever watched television shows on the subject or are active in following the subject online in social media, you’ve been exposed to what I am about to show you and chances are you’ve absorbed most of it unwittingly. The very idea of being made a fool is not appealing; it’s even harder to accept that it has actually happened.
Unfortunately the public, including most Bigfoot researchers and scientific experts involved in the subject are seemingly unaware that any of this is going on.  Remember the term “Divide and Conquer,” for it has everything to do with what we will be covering here.
when I first took a serious look at this subject again in 1999 I was shocked by how many reports of this species are not only on record, but also from very credible and officially titled folks including; Police officers, scientists, doctors, lawyers, and so on. People from all walks of life that had no desire whatsoever to be a witness to the existence of this species were “Claiming” to have seen it and said they’d had encounters with what science as a whole still maintains does not exist. In the process of going over hundreds of eyewitness reports I began to see certain patterns, particularly here in the state of Florida. I started developing my own theories on exactly where and when I would have the Best chance to go to look for myself and find evidence.
Once I began my field research in 2010, using what I had gleaned from the so called “bogus” eyewitness reports I’d studied, I immediately began to find evidence.
By early 2012 I’d had my own close up encounter with one here in Florida and had found enough evidence to know that something very serious was going on. I was convinced it is absolutely 100% real and that the officials that are in charge of our National forests and state parks are hiding something.
It was at that point I started asking the right questions to people that wouldn't give me logical answers about what I have seen and what is going on.
I was subsequently thrust into a reality that is both shocking and tragic. For me Bigfoot is not the mystery any more. The ridiculous, convoluted explanations we continue to get from science and the skeptics for what we continue to see and experience is the REAL mystery.  Asking the “Right” questions continues to lead me down a bottomless rabbit hole filled with threats, deceit, obvious distraction, and a subtle campaign of bias scientific subversion that is contradictory to the very definition of what science is supposed to represent to humanity.
When I first started to present my evidence to the public the reaction was very positive, however over time certain individuals made statements about my evidence that directly contradicted all of it.  No matter how obvious the evidence was that my hard work and efforts had produced, these individuals continued to make statements pushing flimsy or obviously ridiculous explanations for what I had found, and what others were finding as well.
The first few times this happened to me, I tried to offer the most logical explanations for my evidence, but invariably these “Skeptics” would make what I had found or seen seem impossible.
I didn’t understand what was going on and was offended by what was happening.
Who were these people?
Why would they want to contradict what evidence I had found?
Then I realized something; it was always the same individuals that were involved in this unsolicited negative commenting. Some of these individuals had credentials and degrees in anthropology, archaeology, and zoology.
Why were they doing this?
I’d never even asked these people for their opinions; they sought me out…Why?
I know what I saw, I know what I heard, I know what I found, and what I experienced.
It was then that I became skeptical about skeptical people and started really looking at the chaos surrounding the subject.
At that point my research took a turn. I backed off the field work a bit, and focused on mainstream science and the skeptics.
Who are these people, really?
I went on a mission and joined multiple skeptic blogs, both scientific and private. I watched silently over the course of the last two years as the same uneducated, ridiculous comments are repeatedly made about eyewitnesses and every other aspect of this subject by individuals that have “ulterior” motivation to do so.  
Just so you know where I stand on skepticism...I am aware that the average skeptic, like I was…asks questions and tries to learn something. Healthy skepticism is normal but skeptics with an agenda, be it belief, fame or money, and they do make money, have opinions they push everywhere on the internet and on just about every single Bigfoot documentary or show that has ever been aired on television.
 Although the uninformed public and these skeptical individuals themselves think what they say makes sense…to someone who has seen live Bigfoot and knows that this incredible species is human like-not ape-like, the statements these people make regarding the validity of witness reports are ridiculous and most times very stupid.
Unfortunately, we will have to place most of mainstream science itself-in the “Paid Skeptic” category. As skeptics go, scientists are at the very top of the long list of offenders. It’s a fact that most of our scientific academia has been indoctrinated into the evolutionary ideology or theory of man.
The strangest part of all this is although evolutionary science should be salivating over a discovery like Bigfoot and it should represent a possible link that may help further the validity of the evolutionary theory, as a whole, evolutionary science is still somehow unwilling to give the existence of this species a serious investigation and do the work that is necessary to prove Sasquatch/Bigfoot is real and or what they really are; or at least that’s what we are meant to think. Why?
I believe with the credible sightings coming from “Officials” that work for the National Parks and Forest Service that there is no logical way the upper echelons of government and science haven’t validated the species; more than likely using Back door, or off the books research teams and investigations. They may present you with the idea they have no interest in Bigfoot, but the nature of the information covered in this section of the blog suggests otherwise; they fear the public’s awakening to the inevitable truths of the Bigfoot subject or they wouldn't avoid the most obvious and acceptable scientific explanations for all this. They continue to try to make the irrational somehow acceptable in the minds of the public; by barring the validity of any and all truly objective and rational explanation.
To an eyewitness like me, most of the educated people that choose to comment on this subject give the impression that they are somehow blind to a very simple truth;  
Sasquatch/Bigfoot is real and there is not one single shred of evidence, in all of the evidence we have obtained for the existence of this species that would point to the species being an “Ape.” Simply classifying the species due to the lack of a fossil trail or assigning it to an ape that we have no evidence in America for, makes no sense, especially when that is not what the tracks show or eyewitnesses describe when they get a good look at the face.
All of the available physical evidence points to Sasquatch, Bigfoot or whatever you call them where you live, being of the human type being, not a lower ape.
Having said that; if this conclusion contradicts with your own belief system it’s understandable given the fact that you probably haven’t seen one yet and a campaign that has subverted the most logical explanations for all the eyewitness accounts and the physical evidence has effected you’re limited judgment.
Like anybody else who’s interested in the subject of Bigfoot that hasn't seen one you've absorbed a symbol that’s been purposely manufactured to keep you off the trail of the truth.
Proof of this lie is right there in front of you; you've already seen it, absorbed it and processed all of it. That’s right, you've heard it all before and in the end one fact will stand above all others; what has already been observed and experienced cannot be taken back or hidden in any way. It’s the information itself.
The “Cat,” so to speak, is out of the bag; the subject of Bigfoot has become a stinking litter box filled with the droppings of those that control the ebb and flow of the information.
I have become aware of an unavoidable truth that “effects” all of mankind; from its inception, science itself has been ruthlessly ruled by a “Monarchy” of individuals dedicated to a common interest; the subjective maintenance and control of all controversial scientific information. This “Monarchy” has successfully kept many potentially “Mind blowing” discoveries from ever being realized.  Together we will examine in depth, how the subversion of the greatest discovery in the history of mankind continues to be accomplished-The Bigfoot species is real and at this point with the varying eyewitness descriptions, there are several types running around out there.
You may not like some of what will be shown here; the truth is often times difficult to digest and in this case, the truth is really stranger than fiction. The information in the posts that will follow this one are specifically geared to provide you with the information that will help you see these lies you have probably absorbed and put stock in. It has been the primary focus of my research for Two solid years and is the sole purpose of this blog, to bring to light the means by which this travesty has been committed against science by science itself. From one end of the issue to the other this information will help to explain “why” you think what you think about Bigfoot.

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