In this series we will explore how to develop theory from Bigfoot eyewitness statements and apply it to choosing a research area. We will cover everything you need to do and know to sucessfully locate an area with Bigfoot activity, plan and execute an expedition and put yourself and your team in the best possible position to find tracks and even have an encounter. This is how I FOUND Bigfoot.
Part-1 Finding a viable research area.
I have executed several of my own Bigfoot expeditions here in the state of Florida, all ending in success. I say that because even if while exploring an area I found no evidence of the species I was able to theorize WHY I found no evidence of the species in the area. In this post you will learn how I planned the expeditions that changed my life and showed me what is real. I started with a desire to know the truth, and I was skeptical about what I would find though open minded and excited to get started. I spent 11 years developing these concepts on my own. They may compare to others, but these are mine. I did not seek help from other researchers on how to do this, that is why I took so long before my initial expedition. However...
I have planned and executed 9 Bigfoot field expeditions to date.
This is how I ended up putting myself in close proximity on 5 separate occasions in 5 different parts of the state of Florida. I am convinced now that if you have a desire to learn and do the work that is necessary, you will FIND AND EVENTUALLY SEE A BIGFOOT by following these simple directions.
First and foremost, baby steps is where this begins. There is much more work to be done planning a successful expedition than the time spent on the expedition itself.
It simply will not do to choose an area of investigation without an investigation of the history of the area first.
It is particularly important to understand that you do not have to be in the middle of nowhere to see a Bigfoot. It is a fact that 99% of the sightings on record occurred in areas that were not in the middle of nowhere.The fact is-most people don't spend a lot of time in the middle of no where.
They were near human habitations, travel routes, camping or hunting areas, National Parks, even inside rural town limits. If this sounds off, do your homework and you will find the same important pattern in occurance.
This is important to remember because it points to potential patterns in the activities of the species and it's relationship to human activities and development.
After you find an online data base with sightings in area of interest, a long history of sightings, you will need to start making notes based on some important questions. No matter how old the sightings may be, if they have been sighted in the area within the last 10 years, they are probably still there.
All-beit, this will be theory at first, it will begin to lead you in the right direction as it did for me.
Take each statement made by eyewitnesses in the reports seriously, do not doubt a single word, less you miss a valuable clue. That could turn the entire process into a waste of time instead of a sighting of your own. Most eyewitnesses had no desire to see what they saw and given the nature of the absorbed symbolism of the Bigfoot subject in the public's consciousness and the real psychological trauma that a sighting causes, you are lucky to have the information in the first place.
These were some of the questions I asked after reviewing as many sighting as I could from the same areas.
Where? When? Why? Who? How?
*Make accurate notes based on exactly what the eyewitness stated in the report about anything that stands out including; What, where, when and how- or Time of day, time of year or season, behaviors they witnessed, how many were seen, and so on. Details are important at this phase of the investigation.
I gave my area of investigation a 25-50 mile radius and narrowed that radius with more study.
Next, take your notes and go to google earth and pull up the general area on "SATELLITE."
Pull up the map to show the whole county that the history of sightings occurred in.
Using the questions above look at the satellite image.
Where was it seen compared to the sat image? I can personally guarantee that somewhere on the image you view, there will be a preserve, wildlife area, forest or a forest corridor that leads into one of the above.
If you see any of these on the map, congratulations, you have found your very first clue in the pattern that will lead you to evidence of the species and the knowledge that all this is real!
Now, print out a copy of the satellite image and place it in front of you. Once you have the image in front of you refer back to your sightings database and mark off the locations of the sightings on your copy, try to be as accurate as you can be when marking the spot of each encounter.
You now have a map that represents an area of Bigfoot activity and also a potentially viable area of investigation.
Repeat the entire process for every single region you are finding a history of sightings, and you will begin to see undeniable patterns in the activities of the species and you will also begin to see other important things.
Start asking why about everything contained in the witness statements, finding the motives of the Bigfoot are the keys to solving the riddle of why they were there in the first place and determining the highest probability for where they are right now, and that is why you are doing this in the first place.
Anybody can look for tracks and eventually find one or two if they cover enough area, but can you put yourself in the right place at the right time to actually see one or get visual proof that this species is real, without spending 25 years to do it?
That is why you are a Bigfoot researcher, so you can see one, right? Taking the time to do this type of investigation will pay off, but you must keep on going, this was the first step.
Step two: You have a map of a viable area to plan an expedition that has a history of encounters and sightings. Believe it or not, that is the hardest part of the equation, you have narrowed your search area to one place.
Now, let's look at the actual area again on google earth, pull it up and this time zoom in to street level, follow the perimeters around the areas in question. Find the general areas that the sightings occurred in and look at everything.
What is the area? A Forest, a preserve, a hunting area, a swamp? What does the terrain look like?
What kind of trees do you see? Your area may actually contain all of the above like my primary research area does.
Now comes the part that a lot of researchers miss in their thinking-Think like you yourself are living out there all year long through the seasons, year after year.
What would your primary considerations need to be to not only survive, but thrive in the area?
*WATER, FOOD AND SHELTER the three primary considerations for every creature on on planet earth, land or sea.
Now, let's talk about water, (clean water).
Any water source is fine in a pinch, but fresh, clean water is what YOU would prefer right? Find the, fresh clean water source in the area-Make this top priority. As a general rule, if your area is in the Mountains, the higher up you go, the cleaner and colder the water becomes.
You may get lucky and find only one viable clean water source. Most areas have more than one. It may be a deep cold lake, a mountain stream, or a spring fed creek. *Most swamps are not viable sources of fresh water because normally they contain tepid and standing water unless there is a current moving the water through the swamp. In that case, the southern end or downstream end of the area will contain the cleanest water. The current will push the dirty water through the natural vegitation and filter it as it moves through the swamp, finding the cleanest water in the area is easy if there is current, this will be obvious because most prey species will do the same, you will find the tracks of smaller animals at the water hole. Which brings us to our next concern to focus on.
FOOD-"The lion never strays too far from the gazelle" or "You're never too far from your own refrigerator are you?" This may sound simple, and by all is, but it's also true.
Based on my studies in the field, Bigfoot are omnivores, they eat whatever they can, when every they can, as you would if you had live like they do.
They are opportunistic feeders by nature here in Florida and I believe everywhere else.
They hunt, they scavenge, they dig, they wade in the water, they rip apart trees and bushes to get whatever they can to eat as you would need to do. The seasons of the year are the primary controlling factor in determining the diet of the Bigfoot that have been seen in your area of question. Keep in mind there are only a few circumstances that a Bigfoot will reveal itself knowingly to humans-one of them is FOOD.
Carnivorous feeding has been witnessed. It is an absolute in Bigfoot survival and will continue to be a part of a Bigfoot's diet wherever they choose to live. Based on my reasearch I believe this is a primary concern when they choose to occupy a territory for a long period of time.
That is to say, as long as there is some source of game to hunt, fresh water and a reasonable spot to shelter, it does not matter if we humans frequent the area.
Any hunter will agree with this statement; "Don't leave deer to find deer."
Is it easier to stay on the food or to go find more. They will choose to stay in the area and even defend the area as their own from intruders. At least until they are overwhelmed.
Think about it, humans do the same thing. Many encounters between humans and Bigfoot, including some very disturbing or frightening encounters have occurred when a hunter had apparently intruded on a Bigfoot's hunting ground. Many hunters have witnessed Bigfoot hunting and killing prey including wild hogs, deer, elk, and caribou. You can look these encounters up yourself by appropriate region based on the wildlife mentioned to see that this has indeed been witnessed.
My own sighting in 2013 involved circumstances where the Bigfoot I saw seemed to be trailing and paralleling a group of hog hunters, while they were actively firing shotguns at hogs. That is the only explanation I can come up with for what I witnessed given the circumstances of the encounter. If you would like to read about my incredible sighting-
(see this link)
What are the specific wild-life species in the area that you are looking at? Deer, Wild Hogs? Identify each one.
When are the seasons the specific species of hunt-able wildlife is most prevalent?
When do they have young or babies? What months?
Are they most abundant when hunting seasons open to the public?
As I stated before my research indicates that Bigfoot are "Omivorous" in their feeding habits.
What edible plant species are in the area in question? Berries, roots, wild onions? This changes drastically based on region, season and rainfall in your given area.
Now on to shelter, think....It's not that difficult to figure this one out.
If your area is a swamp, look for the highest ground in the swamp, they will be there.
If your area is in the mountains, the highest peak in the area is where I would build my castle, how bout you?
Now comes the good must begin the arduous and painstaking task of comparing all this data you compile, to the witness statements to look for patterns and possible links between what you know about the area, the wildlife/prey, plants, and water and the who, what, where, when, and how of the witness statements.
Do not give up, the patterns will emerge sooner or later, whether it is a correlation between time of year, a water source, the wet season, hunting season, breeding season for the prey and so on....there may be several there may only be one, but the pattern is there, it's up to you to uncover it !!!
Up next- Now What?
Want to help the Bigfoot Research Council confront science about looking into Bigfoot seriously? click the link below and donate a few bucks toward helping all of us get science really involved!
Part-1 Finding a viable research area.
I have executed several of my own Bigfoot expeditions here in the state of Florida, all ending in success. I say that because even if while exploring an area I found no evidence of the species I was able to theorize WHY I found no evidence of the species in the area. In this post you will learn how I planned the expeditions that changed my life and showed me what is real. I started with a desire to know the truth, and I was skeptical about what I would find though open minded and excited to get started. I spent 11 years developing these concepts on my own. They may compare to others, but these are mine. I did not seek help from other researchers on how to do this, that is why I took so long before my initial expedition. However...
I have planned and executed 9 Bigfoot field expeditions to date.
This is how I ended up putting myself in close proximity on 5 separate occasions in 5 different parts of the state of Florida. I am convinced now that if you have a desire to learn and do the work that is necessary, you will FIND AND EVENTUALLY SEE A BIGFOOT by following these simple directions.
First and foremost, baby steps is where this begins. There is much more work to be done planning a successful expedition than the time spent on the expedition itself.
It simply will not do to choose an area of investigation without an investigation of the history of the area first.
It is particularly important to understand that you do not have to be in the middle of nowhere to see a Bigfoot. It is a fact that 99% of the sightings on record occurred in areas that were not in the middle of nowhere.The fact is-most people don't spend a lot of time in the middle of no where.
They were near human habitations, travel routes, camping or hunting areas, National Parks, even inside rural town limits. If this sounds off, do your homework and you will find the same important pattern in occurance.
This is important to remember because it points to potential patterns in the activities of the species and it's relationship to human activities and development.
After you find an online data base with sightings in area of interest, a long history of sightings, you will need to start making notes based on some important questions. No matter how old the sightings may be, if they have been sighted in the area within the last 10 years, they are probably still there.
All-beit, this will be theory at first, it will begin to lead you in the right direction as it did for me.
Take each statement made by eyewitnesses in the reports seriously, do not doubt a single word, less you miss a valuable clue. That could turn the entire process into a waste of time instead of a sighting of your own. Most eyewitnesses had no desire to see what they saw and given the nature of the absorbed symbolism of the Bigfoot subject in the public's consciousness and the real psychological trauma that a sighting causes, you are lucky to have the information in the first place.
These were some of the questions I asked after reviewing as many sighting as I could from the same areas.
Where? When? Why? Who? How?
*Make accurate notes based on exactly what the eyewitness stated in the report about anything that stands out including; What, where, when and how- or Time of day, time of year or season, behaviors they witnessed, how many were seen, and so on. Details are important at this phase of the investigation.
I gave my area of investigation a 25-50 mile radius and narrowed that radius with more study.
Next, take your notes and go to google earth and pull up the general area on "SATELLITE."
Pull up the map to show the whole county that the history of sightings occurred in.
Using the questions above look at the satellite image.
Where was it seen compared to the sat image? I can personally guarantee that somewhere on the image you view, there will be a preserve, wildlife area, forest or a forest corridor that leads into one of the above.
If you see any of these on the map, congratulations, you have found your very first clue in the pattern that will lead you to evidence of the species and the knowledge that all this is real!
Now, print out a copy of the satellite image and place it in front of you. Once you have the image in front of you refer back to your sightings database and mark off the locations of the sightings on your copy, try to be as accurate as you can be when marking the spot of each encounter.
You now have a map that represents an area of Bigfoot activity and also a potentially viable area of investigation.
Repeat the entire process for every single region you are finding a history of sightings, and you will begin to see undeniable patterns in the activities of the species and you will also begin to see other important things.
Start asking why about everything contained in the witness statements, finding the motives of the Bigfoot are the keys to solving the riddle of why they were there in the first place and determining the highest probability for where they are right now, and that is why you are doing this in the first place.
Anybody can look for tracks and eventually find one or two if they cover enough area, but can you put yourself in the right place at the right time to actually see one or get visual proof that this species is real, without spending 25 years to do it?
That is why you are a Bigfoot researcher, so you can see one, right? Taking the time to do this type of investigation will pay off, but you must keep on going, this was the first step.
Step two: You have a map of a viable area to plan an expedition that has a history of encounters and sightings. Believe it or not, that is the hardest part of the equation, you have narrowed your search area to one place.
Now, let's look at the actual area again on google earth, pull it up and this time zoom in to street level, follow the perimeters around the areas in question. Find the general areas that the sightings occurred in and look at everything.
What is the area? A Forest, a preserve, a hunting area, a swamp? What does the terrain look like?
What kind of trees do you see? Your area may actually contain all of the above like my primary research area does.
Now comes the part that a lot of researchers miss in their thinking-Think like you yourself are living out there all year long through the seasons, year after year.
What would your primary considerations need to be to not only survive, but thrive in the area?
*WATER, FOOD AND SHELTER the three primary considerations for every creature on on planet earth, land or sea.
Now, let's talk about water, (clean water).
Any water source is fine in a pinch, but fresh, clean water is what YOU would prefer right? Find the, fresh clean water source in the area-Make this top priority. As a general rule, if your area is in the Mountains, the higher up you go, the cleaner and colder the water becomes.
You may get lucky and find only one viable clean water source. Most areas have more than one. It may be a deep cold lake, a mountain stream, or a spring fed creek. *Most swamps are not viable sources of fresh water because normally they contain tepid and standing water unless there is a current moving the water through the swamp. In that case, the southern end or downstream end of the area will contain the cleanest water. The current will push the dirty water through the natural vegitation and filter it as it moves through the swamp, finding the cleanest water in the area is easy if there is current, this will be obvious because most prey species will do the same, you will find the tracks of smaller animals at the water hole. Which brings us to our next concern to focus on.
FOOD-"The lion never strays too far from the gazelle" or "You're never too far from your own refrigerator are you?" This may sound simple, and by all is, but it's also true.
Based on my studies in the field, Bigfoot are omnivores, they eat whatever they can, when every they can, as you would if you had live like they do.
They are opportunistic feeders by nature here in Florida and I believe everywhere else.
They hunt, they scavenge, they dig, they wade in the water, they rip apart trees and bushes to get whatever they can to eat as you would need to do. The seasons of the year are the primary controlling factor in determining the diet of the Bigfoot that have been seen in your area of question. Keep in mind there are only a few circumstances that a Bigfoot will reveal itself knowingly to humans-one of them is FOOD.
Carnivorous feeding has been witnessed. It is an absolute in Bigfoot survival and will continue to be a part of a Bigfoot's diet wherever they choose to live. Based on my reasearch I believe this is a primary concern when they choose to occupy a territory for a long period of time.
That is to say, as long as there is some source of game to hunt, fresh water and a reasonable spot to shelter, it does not matter if we humans frequent the area.
Any hunter will agree with this statement; "Don't leave deer to find deer."
Is it easier to stay on the food or to go find more. They will choose to stay in the area and even defend the area as their own from intruders. At least until they are overwhelmed.
Think about it, humans do the same thing. Many encounters between humans and Bigfoot, including some very disturbing or frightening encounters have occurred when a hunter had apparently intruded on a Bigfoot's hunting ground. Many hunters have witnessed Bigfoot hunting and killing prey including wild hogs, deer, elk, and caribou. You can look these encounters up yourself by appropriate region based on the wildlife mentioned to see that this has indeed been witnessed.
My own sighting in 2013 involved circumstances where the Bigfoot I saw seemed to be trailing and paralleling a group of hog hunters, while they were actively firing shotguns at hogs. That is the only explanation I can come up with for what I witnessed given the circumstances of the encounter. If you would like to read about my incredible sighting-
(see this link)
What are the specific wild-life species in the area that you are looking at? Deer, Wild Hogs? Identify each one.
When are the seasons the specific species of hunt-able wildlife is most prevalent?
When do they have young or babies? What months?
Are they most abundant when hunting seasons open to the public?
As I stated before my research indicates that Bigfoot are "Omivorous" in their feeding habits.
What edible plant species are in the area in question? Berries, roots, wild onions? This changes drastically based on region, season and rainfall in your given area.
Now on to shelter, think....It's not that difficult to figure this one out.
If your area is a swamp, look for the highest ground in the swamp, they will be there.
If your area is in the mountains, the highest peak in the area is where I would build my castle, how bout you?
Now comes the good must begin the arduous and painstaking task of comparing all this data you compile, to the witness statements to look for patterns and possible links between what you know about the area, the wildlife/prey, plants, and water and the who, what, where, when, and how of the witness statements.
Do not give up, the patterns will emerge sooner or later, whether it is a correlation between time of year, a water source, the wet season, hunting season, breeding season for the prey and so on....there may be several there may only be one, but the pattern is there, it's up to you to uncover it !!!
Up next- Now What?
Want to help the Bigfoot Research Council confront science about looking into Bigfoot seriously? click the link below and donate a few bucks toward helping all of us get science really involved!