Sunday, September 21, 2014

"Why do we need to confront science about official Bigfoot research funding?"

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I had a conversation a few years ago at work with a co-worker who asked me about my research. He said he was just curious. I weighed his approach and evaluated my past involvement in conversations with him. I agreed to tell him and as I tried to give him a basic understanding about what I saw and what I have experienced, he looked stunned at first, then I could see the doubt flow into his eyes, it suddenly occurred to me that this person had absolutely no idea what was running around out in the swampy wilderness just a few miles from his house. As the conversation ended I took a few "Skeptical" shots across the bow, shook them off and when I got home that day set about finding answers to how it is that so many people have no Idea that this species is real. In this blog you will see all of my field research and experiences in great detail taken directly from my field journals as my research unfolded in real time. You will see the actual trail I followed to explain why this community exists and the real reasons why our research community chose to go try to prove this FOR science instead of confronting science about investigation into this FOR us. None of the "reasoning" that our community has for the lack of scientific involvement and funding for research is reasonable justification for the disrespect we continue to endure. I refuse to comment or participate in any more conversation that involves our research community "PROVING" Bigfoot is real FOR a Scientific community that could do in weeks what we've tried to do in decades and end this debate once and for all.
Not withstanding the obvious explanations for why it's so difficult to acquire solid evidence for the species i.e: Their size, speed, power and having evolved in the environments we really struggle in when we choose enter them, there was a less obvious answer that no one was really getting into-science has failed us.
There is an obvious resistance to look into this subject for all the people that have seen it that science as a whole has demonstrated for over a hundred years. Most of the time in fact and to this very day, when you read comments from scientists about this subject it is more about the armchair research community than it is about the species. They use the community to symbolize and justify not looking into it when the reality is that we only exist because of what we know and more importantly -the fact that they have created a conflict of information by denying the possibility that the species is real in the first place. Who are you to tell me I didn't just see what I so obviously saw, however incredible it may seem. I know what I saw.

At this stage in the game with so many Americans that have witnessed first hand that this is a real flesh and blood being, including myself...the resistance science is still showing all of us has to be considered disrespect. As Americans and as people who have seen this species, our sightings and descriptions of what we have observed deserve more respect from everyone, especially our scientific community. Yet here we are, a hundred years and counting having the same stupid debates all over the planet about what we saw with people who don't have a leg to stand on because they were not there to see what we saw. Science is unwilling to acknowledge our experiences and begin serious investigation into all these witness statements. 
Science has assumed the responsibility of explaining all of the creatures of this planet, they can look into this and the fact is...they haven't. Why? 
This is why the public is unable to act on what is so obviously the most important discovery ever made by human kind.  This is why there is a stigma attached to eyewitness statements before they are ever heard and this is why to this very day, we argue with each other night and day about every aspect of this subject. We have no real science or data that has been validated by the controlling scientific monarchy, the people that have control over validation of scientific data.
We are repeatedly shot down as eyewitnesses and researchers, the tracks we find are considered "Alleged" and all samples of hair or DNA continue to come back as either human or some arbitrary species. We may have been told the truth about what the sample turned out to be...HUMAN. They appear to be at least part human yet science repeatedly "CLAIMS" the sample was contaminated without ever completing the examination process- IDENTIFY THE CONTAMINANT AND TELL US WHAT IT IS-SEPARATE THE CONTAMINANT FROM THE RESPECTIVE DNA AND RETEST IT. 
We have not been successful thus far in working together with science because science is not working with us yet. I believe that If we draw our numbers together and unite as a mass of very serious individuals who will not back off and have every intention of making sciences disrespectful attitude toward the eyewitnesses, the tracks and the research community, make it a public event, where the entire country can see what is really going on for the first time....we will begin to get results. Maybe it will take a few tries, but if they do turn down our requests at first, the public will then come to our aid. People want to know once and for all if what we have been saying as eyewitnesses and researchers is true. 
Here is one Academic who is very interested in helping our community but can not get it done because science has behaved unscientifically for over a hundred years about what we all know is real!

Contact me at
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Saturday, September 20, 2014

15 Years of faithful Bigfoot investigation!

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So, today is my Birthday, but I want to give you a gift.
Another year has passed and I've learned a lot about what I saw that day and even more about what is actually preventing the validation of what I saw that day.
Again, I say it's got nothing to do with "Bigfoot" or it being "elusive" or any of the other typical excuses we hear every day for why there is supposedly no evidence that the species exists. I just told you it is real, and so have thousands of other people. It has to do with me, and you, the Bigfoot eyewitnesses, the researchers, the public.
Here is my gift to you, the research community-
These words that follow this sentence should be investigated thoroughly in how they apply to you, to us, and to our perceptions both past and present about this subject. Because understanding how these words and phrases have effected our thinking is the key to unlocking the truth about "Why" we think what we think about our subject and "Why" we say and do the things we do or really...don't do the things we should, to press forward in the right directions for validation of the species. Understanding our own minds and the certain "Map-able" consistencies of our symbol responsive consciousness is the key to recognizing the arbitrary, subliminally induced cages that have held us all for decades, and that we are blissfully unaware of. In the last three years I have repeatedly tried to convey this and other information in order to provide explanations for why nothing is being done officially to validate our experiences, sightings and what we all know in this research community is really real. All of these "Terms" are clues, or crumbs that led me to solution oriented thinking on our subject. 

"Semiotics and Human Consciousness"
"Understanding the application of semiotic studies in television programming"
"Applications of Semiotics in Programming and Politics"
"Terministic screens"
"Symbol implementation"
"Symbol dependence"
"Objective Evaluation"
"Subjective Evaluation"
"Social Programming"
"Cultural Programming"
"Mass Cultural Programming"

Semiotics is the study of human consciousness and awareness, and of the signs of what our consciousness responds to most. To that extent, that in and of itself is of no value, until the findings of semioticis studies are then implemented in mass programming, whatever media, to suit a predetermined agenda. When that occurs I liken it's effects to an invisible atomic bomb being used on us without our knowledge, for it has effected mankind as negatively. We have all been victimized by those who use this information for their own gain, in many ways and until you become aware that semiotics exists, you literally have a lot of help making up your mind about a great many things without you even knowing it's going on. The keys to the kingdom of all human consciousness are in the hands of the few who could care less if your truly free or not. Free your mind, it's worth your time!

Help us help you click the link below and get involved today!

Friday, September 12, 2014

"The Terms of the Surrender of Your Common Sense"

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Science needs to do their job and officially fund Bigfoot research.
You might think upon reading the title of this post that this subject has nothing to do with Bigfoot or you your self, but if you are a real flesh and blood person, and you live here in the programming capital of the world, "AMERICA" you are in need of a common sense tune up by way of a few very important pieces of information. If you are like me, you may already be aware that there is something seriously wrong going on in Bigfoot research, and it's got nothing to do with Bigfoot itself.

Here are some of the "TERMS" that have manipulated you into a cycle that repeats itself and goes nowhere. You have accepted all of this over time and surrendered your common sense for active symbol dependence.

Terminology that precludes all scientific findings, physical evidence and rational conclusion from the start- 
"Crypto-zoology"-The Search for Hidden Animals or elusive zoological specimens has been defined by many mainstream scientists as-
"A pseudo-science." or "False Science." 
Wrong, the discovery of new and well hidden as of yet uncatalogued species is a well funded mainstream scientific activity. The implementation of the term "Pseudo-science" has influenced public opinion on the validity of our research before it ever began, when the reality is- many species were very difficult to find and evaded scientific discovery for decades in the field. Make no mistake "Crypto-zoology" is a funded and well documented activity in scientific zoological circles. They just don't call it crypto-zoology, when the unofficially educated do it it's called crypto-zoology, when science looks for hidden specimens its called legitimate research.
We need to get these same individuals, the "legitimate research community" that term our research "invalid" to do what they call "Legitimate Research" into our subject matter.
 It wasn't that difficult for me to find evidence of the speicies in the field in the form of abnormally large human type tracks, and within a short time have a close encounter of my own and eventually a sighting at a short distance.
 It should be nothing for the army of well funded scientists that are currently studying "LESS IMPORTANT" aspects of our reality here on earth to validate this species but they haven't even flinched over what should represent the most significant realization in the history of mankind, we are not alone on earth as the only species of human type being. If you doubt that, look at a Bigfoot track or speak to an eyewitness who got a real good look.
They-(SCIENCE) cant have it both ways, this flagrant misuse of terminology and presumed authority has to be confronted in order to bring about change.

Terminology that keeps you off sciences back about Bigfoot and out trying to do what they should be doing-
Somehow in spite of the fact that science has labeled the entire Crypto-Zoological community as "Pseudo-Scientists" and done nothing but call "BIGFOOTERS" crazy, or even try to fire or deny advancement to their own kind who try to look into the subject with a serious eye-
There exists a firm belief in the minds of most of our crypto-zoological and Bigfoot research community that science can be trusted and WE the "Pseudo-Scientists" should go prove that the Bigfoot species is real FOR them. HA! That was a good trick! and many, many people all over the planet have bought a full subscription to that one, including...for a time, me.

 BUT, how has this gone on so long? and how is it being maintained when so many eyewitnesses and researchers are interested in the validation of the species?
One way is by getting you to think that you have to prove what you say you saw was real. By the implementation of simple and very clever word usage. "TERMINOLOGY"

The TERM "BURDEN OF PROOF" IS A LEGAL TERM NOT A SCIENTIFIC TERM. Yet somehow every body just buys into it because it has been thrown around by people for years.
We have all heard this statement:
"A man Claims to have seen the legendary Creature known as Bigfoot!" The implimentation of Clever psychological primer words like "Claims" or "allegedly" are the norm in the terminology we hear indeed.
Why not just say "A man says he saw a Bigfoot?"
"This is where, this is when, this is what he says he saw."
Is this a legal case? Why is the man who saw the Bigfoot being "Put On Trial" by terminology. Look for the use of these words whenever you watch anything to do with Bigfoot on television. You will be surprised how many times you are led to doubts by this kind of terminology.

There are underlying reinforcing measures going on all over the internet keeping you thinking you are unscientific and need to follow protocols to collect evidence. This is a great Idea, if we already had someone to take our evidence too, but we don't.

There are even groups on social media that by nature of what they advertise and what you see, ask you to join or promote membership as joining other researchers or interested parties, they then show that they are trying to reinforce the belief that most of our community of researchers are morons and all of our sightings and evidence amounts to nothing. They repeatedly claim eyewitnesses are not reliable, which in my opinion is not the case when considering the traumatic and controversial nature of what a sighting truly represents to eyewitnesses, I mean, I cant ever forget what I saw! That's what a sighting really is!
I have studied these groups and many individuals in these groups by way of confrontational interaction and If you take the time to see what they invariable do to our research community, they promote dependence on the same scientific community that is clearly "NOT" showing any of us an ounce of respect as eyewitnesses and researchers. They prey upon the fears of many about how we are not being taken seriously by science, and claim it's because we are unscientific in our research methods, NO SHIT, Most of us aren't scientists, and the fact is neither are they!
We must begin to identify what these real diversions are causing us. The promotion of  scientific dependence is not the solution to our problems. Promoting that eyewitnesses are responsible to prove this and that we carry the "BURDEN OF PROOF" has already been counterproductive for many decades. THESE INDIVIDUALS ARE BLINDED TO THESE FACTS BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT SOLUTION ORIENTED, THEY ARE CHAOS ORIENTED.
 "NOT" seeking funding and active investigation from science as a whole is literally the Cause of all of this. SCIENCE -They lay the burrden of Proof" on what They Openly Call a FALSE SCIENCE, US... and they themselves are funding the discoveries of new elusive primates every year. Your evidence is invalid, not because it is invalid or not real, but because they did not find it in the first place. If you disagree with this you need to do more research on the matter, I have and as a result I am not Symbol or socially dependent.
Science can not have it both ways, this Flagrant misuse of presumed authority will be confronted.

Take a few minutes to think on the ridiculous implications of the paragraph above. This is the foundation of the dissolution of all the evidence we find and the primary cause of the cycle this research community is stuck in that has lasted for over 60 years. A symbol has been created to represent all of our evidence as "NOT REAL"

Terminology that precludes eyewitness statements
While science funds expeditions to catalog new species every year with these efforts grounded in slim or anecdotal evidence in the first place, the evidence for Bigfoot is "derogatorily termed" "Anecdotal" Like "Anecdotal" reference is never pursued and new species have never been found as a direct result of anecdotal evidence. For that matter, ALL science is anecdotal until it is proven. Go ahead, disagree with that, why would you in the first place, are you defending the same entity that is belittling you? are you symbol dependent? Do you blindly seek to say "here, see...It's real we told you!"
Like a dependent child, or are you an intelligent fully grown American?
Examine your self and our prior attempts as eyewitnesses and researchers and you'll find that this term has precluded the possibility of you being reliable or truthful in the descriptions of what you saw and what we all continue to say to the scientific community.
They can not have it both ways, this flagrant misuse of "Terminology" and presumed authority will be confronted

Hallucination-  REALLY?
Don't even go there!

Symbols that make you think science as a whole is really interested in validation of what you know is real...Bigfoot -
Science searches for answers..on Monsterquest-all Bigfoot episodes are riddled with terminology that precludes validity despite the general serious tone of the show.
Finding Bigfoot, or As I like to call "Not Finding Bigfoot"
Ancient Aliens, the Bigfoot episode
Sasquatch, legend meets science
Bigfoot, the definitive guide 
10,000,000 Dollar Bigfoot Bounty

These are a few examples of the programming you have viewed, but what have you absorbed psychologically by watching these shows? If you go back and watch them carefully you will see that they are all "Terministically Screened" to implement the Idea that Bigfoot is probably or most likely an ape of the non-human classification. Well, I am an eyewitness and I saw human facial features, yes his face was pre-human like, but definitely not ape-like.

Here are the symbols that make you think science is really trying to do something about validating Bigfoot when the reality is....they have no support from their colleagues and in fact are or have been in danger of losing their jobs because they chose to look into Bigfoot.

Jeff Meldrum....almost fired...University staff demanded he be stripped of tenure years ago
John Bindernagal...almost fired over Bigfoot research
Grover Crantz...almost fired...denied tenure
Ivan Sanderson...almost fired...denied tenure
The list goes on and on.
These people need our help and as of yet the research community has not addressed the real issues that are preventing real scientific investigation of the species, the very real suppressive bias that we are all subject to, especially a scientist that looks into Bigfoot. Haven't you ever wondered why nothing has been done about this? Well, it's because we have all absorbed these false symbols and they have rendered our community incapable of rational evaluation and action against the real responsible parties, mainstream science. Scientific Accountability to the American people needs to become a reality, and we want to help make that happen.

We cannot have scientists that are unscientific and biased ruining the careers of those scientists that are trying to be objective and examine the existence of this species. Quite frankly if you disagree with that, you should probably quit Bigfoot research altogether.

This extortive, unscientific denial and abuse of presumed authority will be confronted, they cannot have it both ways.
You may think that we need scientists to help us to confront science, and I believe that too...right now we have a Field Biologist and an Anthropologist, and 3 police officers who are all eyewitnesses including the scientists. Plain talk is how we will get this done.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Bigfoot, the snail eating wild man of Palm Beach County

This is the 16 inch track that lead me to my first encounter
I read a report filed online that detailed an incredible sighting in my area. I was shocked that these things were still going on and could still happen. I began to look into all of it, and since then I started watching what was going on when I was out fishing in these places and while I spent my time in the deep wilderness areas here in Florida. Always in the back of my mind, I knew at any moment it could walk right out in front of me. But I also knew a simple chance encounter was unlikely and I would have to dedicate my time and focus in order to find evidence, so for the first time I began researching and planning my own expedition.
I will pose a simple hypothesis:
If mainstream science is correct about Bigfoot not being real, all of the eyewitnesses who said they saw Bigfoot are wrong. Science openly tells the whole world that every single sighting, no matter who or how many eyewitnesses were involved, that It was a case of misidentification or hallucination. I say this because to this very day, they do not acknowledge that Bigfoot is real. If they are right, then I will find no evidence of Bigfoot if I use those same sightings as a base for my research.
Bigfoot doesn’t exist, that’s what they say. “They’re right and the thousands upon thousands of people that testify to seeing a Bigfoot are wrong.”
To prove science wrong for my own knowledge on the subject; I based all of my research on eyewitness reports. I focused on where they saw the Bigfoot, when they saw the Bigfoot, and what they saw in the behavior of the Bigfoot being or beings that they saw to develop a strategy for proving either way what was going on.    
“The accounts that follow represent the full scope of my field research to date, however impossible these things may seem to you; this is exactly how the events unfolded in the order they occurred. All of these experiences were a direct result of theory developed from the statements of eyewitnesses here in Florida.
These experiences were the driving force behind my research into the cover up of the existence of this species and the ultimately the facts contained in this blog. I think it’s necessary for you to understand how I came from ignorance to awareness and I hope it helps you do the same.”
Using eyewitness statements and reports from the state of Florida only-I was able to identify patterns in behavior and develop theory for application in the field.
Based on a great many reports I proposed that a large “Human-type” being, trying to survive in the wetlands and swamps of Florida would surely have to be an opportunistic feeder with an “omnivorous” diet.
Western Palm Beach County, Grassy Waters Preserve; Late April 2012
Based on one of these “False reports” I’d read online, a very large, hairy creature was seen by four people in the Grassy Waters Preserve in 2004. The preserve covers roughly 20,000 acres and is mostly wetland prairie and cypress swamp. The married couple was in the park that day to go canoeing, they had their own canoe but the rangers told them they were not allowed to use it or venture out into the park on their own, this in itself is strange since the “Public” supposedly owns the preserve.
In the report the husband stated that he was irritated over this because they had already waited for over an hour for the park to open and had traveled a good distance to get there. He eventually conceded to the escort and they both walked down the boardwalk to the canoe rental and launch area ahead of the rangers. It was there at the launch area that they first saw it, across the prairie a couple of hundred yards away.
According to the couple’s statement, one of the rangers arrived on the scene a minute or so later and they pointed out the creature to her. She immediately ran back to get the other ranger who was still at the front office. The two park rangers arrived back on the scene together minutes later to see that the creature was still there. The married couple stated that all four of them, rangers included; watched the subject for over five minutes.
They stated that “It” was bent over and at times kneeled at the base of cypress trees as it continued down the edge of the cypress hammock in the shallow water. All four witnesses got a very good look at the Bigfoot it was approximately a hundred yards away from the group. Apparently it was indeed humanoid in appearance, was very large and heavily muscled but was completely covered in reddish brown hair all over its body.
All four watched as it was removing something from within the bases of the cypress trees and looked to be feeding on whatever it was pulling out.
Upon reading this and other reports from a 30 year period in the area, I called the park immediately. After several failed attempts to get Grassy Waters/Corbit wildlife management area park officials to comment on the 2004 report that was filed by the witnesses, and for that matter any other ones, and the “Kneejerk” reaction I had received from the “new” staff and park officials regarding any research that I would be conducting inside the park in the future, I decided to conduct my own reconnaissance of the park, without “official permission.”
What other choice did I have? They should have just been honest, instead they stonewalled me.
Going back to this eyewitness report, this was not the first time this type of behavior was reported by witnesses. Based on multiple eyewitness reports from several different eco-regions of Florida, I theorized that the Bigfoot here feed on all types of “Shelled Invertebrates.” The reports suggest they do seem to actively seek out and eat all types of “shell dwellers,” including but not limited to; snails, crabs, fresh and salt water mussels and clams and oysters. At night, most “mobile” Shell Dwellers-(Snails) will come out from their daytime hiding spots to do whatever it is they do, and just before dawn they head for the cover of thick weeds, and the base of the nearest cypress tree. There is also a species of grub that bores into the plentiful palms and the softer pulpy meat of the cypress tree. I proposed that other than the small mammals that inhabit the occasional dry hammocks when Florida’s Bigfoot move through these wetland areas; these “shell dwellers” are easy to find and represent a large part of their diets.
For the first time in my research I’d found a pattern of behavior. I started researching the snails immediately. There are several types of snails found here in Florida, one in particular, the “Apple Snail” gets very big. They actually grow to the size of a baseball.
People eat snails they’re easy to catch, they’re actually a good source of protein, so why not a Bigfoot.  After all they’re snails, they’re going nowhere in a hurry.
I studied satellite maps of the areas in question to find the closest cypress hammocks to the most isolated dry areas. These, I thought would be the areas I would have the best chance to find evidence.
All the while I was examining reports, I noticed that most of the eyewitnesses said that although the creature had hair all over like an ape, it seemed more human than ape. My thoughts continued to work with the idea that the evidence points to the species being of the human classification, or human-primate.
“I don’t know of any other creature on earth that despises being caged or fenced-in more than man.”
Using the philosophy above and a common sense approach, I decided to check the fences that skirt the entire perimeter of the park first. Incidentally I built these fences in the early 1990’s while working for a local fence company. We’d bid on the contract a few months earlier and none of us were looking forward to the huge job if we got it, and we did. The weird thing is we were told by our foreman to “Reverse” the angle of the barbed wire on the top of the 8 foot fence, from the typical outward facing position that is designed to keep people out of the fenced in area to the “inward” facing position. We asked him why they wanted the wire angled on the inside of the fence and he replied, “I guess they want to keep something from getting out.” We spent 6 months fencing the swampy perimeter with the wire facing inside the park. I remember the gators were all over us, and at times we had to stop when they got to aggressive.
I figured if I had to eat and there was a fence in between me and my breakfast, the fence was going down. As it turned out, it was a good Idea.
In a 3 mile stretch of the barbed wire perimeter fencing that surrounds the entire park, I found three spots that were not only downed, but they were downed intelligently from inside the park. This was obvious, I found  in each spot, a large piece of tree, each piece of tree was around twelve feet long, and probably weighed close to  five or six hundred pounds. The segments of rotted tree had been dragged from the forest, inside the park, and dropped on top of the eight foot barbed wire perimeter fence. The logs appeared to have been used to first crush down the fence and then, logically…they appeared to have been used as makeshift “ramps” to get over the fence and out of the park. I pulled over at the north east end of the preserve at a small canal by the perimeter fence. The canal was approximately a half mile or so from the last escape ramp I had seen. I was not going into the area looking for Bigfoot, I was undercover, a simple fisherman, I was simply fishing the canal. I grabbed my fishing rod and set about my business. I walked for a while down the canal making casts from time to time. I found signs of wild hogs everywhere. They’re a feral species here in Florida, wild hog populations have skyrocketed over the course of the last fifty years. They tear up the ground in large swatches feeding, or “Rooting” as we say down here. They damage the environments they inhabit and are considered a nuisance. However, they are also easier to catch than a deer and probably represent a large part of the Sasquatches’ diet here in the south. As I walked the bank glancing around carefully, I came upon something odd. There in the water, at the edge of the canal, was a large, flat rock with freshly smashed apple snail shells, and fresh water muscle shells all over it and right next to it was the soft ball sized rock that was used to smash them on the larger rock. After I looked at this curiously for a second, it struck me like lightning. Someone was eating these snails and mussels, these disgusting slimy things. It was obvious it took hands to accomplish this feat and get to the “Slimy surprise” inside.
 “Could it be a bum, perhaps?” I thought a second. I’d never seen a homeless person this far out in the country, and boy, he would have to be real hungry to want to eat some of those things. I glanced around and found some of the weeds were disturbed a foot or so out into the water. I reached out and cleared the weeds away, revealing two perfect, sixteen-inch human foot shaped punch holes on the bottom. I glance up the steep bank and saw two more successive disturbances in the sugar sand. I was dumbfounded. I followed the trail up the bank and traced out the possible route in the grass, and straight ahead, about twenty feet away, the barbed wire perimeter fence of the preserve was flattened to the ground. I walked over to the fence-line. The cover just inside the fence was deep grass, and then a few yards more was a very thick wall of jungle.
I stepped over the broken fencing and proceeded into the preserve. Right inside the smashed down fence I found another 16 inch track. I noticed my feet were not permanently mashing down the grass as I stepped. Whatever left this track was really big and heavy and had a human shaped foot. I shot footage of the track with my cell phone. When I looked up to follow the trail and see if there were more tracks, I saw there was a very strange looking tunnel into the very thick, twenty foot high jungle. The game trail was not only obvious on the ground, but so was the seven foot high “Hole” through the overgrown wall of plant-life. As I approached the hole in the thick bushes I noticed that it was made…not natural, as the branches were snapped off around the sides and over head creating a passageway. I thought a moment about what I was considering. All of this was real fresh, possibly only hours old. Was someone still here, somewhere close? Was I going to find some homeless encampment with a guy with abnormally large bare feet and snails on his breath? I had to know. So I walked into the hole and followed the trail.
The heat was unbearable. All kinds of spiders and unfamiliar bugs were getting all over me. I smacked at them repeatedly. As I made my way in I noticed the work that had been done to create the tunnel trail I was on. I kept thinking it was so unbearable, who would want to be in here? Eventually I came upon a spot where the tunnel opened up into a big circular area, around fifteen feet in diameter. Still under the canopy of trees and vines-shafts of light from the ceiling penetrated all around me. It was dead quiet. No birds or noise, except the sound of the tractor trailers rumbling in the distance on the highway my car was parked on. I caught a whiff of something I had never smelled before. It was like a really nasty, unclean, person mixed with an animal odor.  I listened for a second and heard nothing. I decided I would stir things up a bit, so at the top of my lungs I let out three very “roarishly” aggressive screams.
 Right then in the bushes around thirty feet away, outside the clearing, something groaned deeply with an obvious and very clear, irritated tone. The bush popped and rustled a little bit, to me, it sounded like someone stood up. I could hear faint, deep mouth breathing and wheezing. I’m telling you right now I am not afraid of much that I have ever seen or heard in the state of Florida, but right then, at that moment…I nearly fainted. My anxiety was palpable.
 I had no Idea what was going to happen next. I couldn’t see him, but I could feel his presence intensely. It was ominous. My blood ran cold, the hair on my arms and neck was on end. A second or two later the most incredible thing that had ever me up to that point in my research happened.
“He” copied my exact three screams, but intelligently, he added a sarcastic inflection at the end of each. They were directed right at me, there was no question about that. I felt each scream in my chest. They were impossibly powerful.
 I was in full panic mode at that point, I was alone and frozen with fear. Many things flashed through my mind all at the same time. I did not know what to do. Would he charge at me? Should I run? Then he took off, smashing everything in his path. Although I could hear only one set of feet thumping, the noise level of the damage being done was like ten big men going nuts. At first I thought he was coming at me…he was going to get me. The next thing I knew…I was tearing through the bush in the opposite direction…I had lost all control of myself and was on my way back out the tunnel trail. I was in full flight, survival sprint mode. To my own horror…I fell a few times. I ran into a few trees, broken branches, and got caught in several vines that seemed to reach out for me. I felt like the cliché movie victim that keeps falling, and tripping on every stupid thing. In my mind…He was going get me. I think I even made those guttural panicky sounds as I ran. Finally I cleared the tunnel and downed fence. I peeled to the right and headed towards the car. I ran the entire way back to the car at full speed glancing behind me occasionally, terrified of what I might see. I must have looked insane.
I got to the car, collapsed on the ground on the far side of the vehicle and peeked over the trunk, I was in shock.  I couldn’t catch my breath. My heart was pounding out of my chest. A semi truck rumbled past on the road behind me and I shuttered. I was completely, one hundred percent-freaked out of my mind.
Eventually as the moments passed I settled down and honestly, I had trouble accepting what had just happened to me. I didn’t want to believe it. For a minute, I couldn’t believe it. I tried to tell myself it wasn’t real. Then…as the moments went by…I came to grips with the reality that I was  not still in my bed, I was covered from head to toe in sweat, bugs, cuts and mud. It was the single most surreal moment of my life…up to that point.
I can tell you absolutely that what did in fact scream at me from the thick cover just ahead of my position and then ran off on two very powerful legs smashing down everything in its path…Was not a bear or a normal human being. It was not an ape or a monkey of some type, it was something else and although it did sound very human and intelligent; it also sounded like a “Giant” human being in the ultra deep tone and sheer power of its voice.
It was that moment; I was confronted by some very important questions. “How was this actually happening to me?”  “How don’t they, meaning the authorities, know this is real?” “Someone has to know this is going on.” As I left the area in my car, on the busy highway, I realized I’d left my fishing pole leaning against a bush back at the trail head. I made a U-turn and pulled back in. I cautiously snuck back to the trail head, retrieved my fishing pole and jogged back to my car.
In the days that followed I questioned myself a thousand times and listened to every possible recording of a Bigfoot that I could find on the internet. It’s funny; the craziest sounding recordings I found, sounded like “Taz” from “looney tunes,” and those were the ones most similar to the deep tone of what I heard. There was no question in my mind.
Take it or leave it, I know the tracks I found that day and the yells I heard were unlike any I’d ever seen or heard in Florida. I couldn’t get past the “Human” tone and obvious emotional inflection of the yells that were directed at me. This couldn’t have been an ape. If I could see and hear all of this; the park officials had to know what was going on, I mean they’re in the park every day right?

I have no tolerance for being brushed off or given a superficial answer about this subject. I never have so deeper and deeper I go.

I began my investigation into the “other” side of the Bigfoot subject; the possibility of a “cover up” of the existence of this human type species and the fact that they are indeed living in our wilderness areas or in my case, just west of town. “Giant hairy wild men!” it sounds ridiculous when you say it.
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My first Bigfoot photo from Ocala National Forest Bigfoot expedition

This is not a bear- not even close
May 4, 2012, Ocala National Forest; Fore Lake Region
“Water, food, and cover on dry land” These are the three things that every “Human being” needs to survive in the wild.
It was a beautiful May morning. I was with my girlfriend at the time and I was excited about the expedition and especially the area I’d planned on going. We just jumped on I-75 from Ft. Lauderdale and headed west into the everglades.  I-75 actually turns into the Florida turnpike and vice versa depending on where you start out. It makes a giant loop around the state of Florida, on the south end it cuts directly across the Florida everglades. The everglades are known as the “Sea of Grass.” I love the Glades. To me they represent the one part of Florida that could never be tamed. I’ve spent considerable time there in the last couple of years and have grown very fond of my visits and especially the fishing. If you ever get the chance to visit Florida, I highly recommend you spend a few days there. As we made our crossing, we listened to the Everglades radio station. The broad casts are geared to inform the “passers through” of current wildlife issues and what to watch for as you drive through. It tends to make the straight line monotony of I-75, a little more interesting.
Our intention was to make the Glades crossing on the southern end of the state and then shoot north for our approach on Ocala from the west coast. The area I’d planned on being in is called “Fore Lake.” It’s located in the north central part of the Ocala National Forest. The area has a rich history of Bigfoot sightings and encounters that go back hundreds of years to when the Native American Indians still occupied the area.
I’d spent a few weeks looking at satellite images of the park, and I’d found an isolated water source a few miles off the Florida trail and in my mind, the only clean water source for miles would be our best chance to find the evidence I was after. Our closest access point to the trail head that would lead us to this “Oasis,” would be Fore Lake campground.  A few hours later after a brief stop for some fast food, we arrived at the campground and checked in with the camp-master who told us to go ahead and pick whatever spot we wanted. I was very pleased to hear that, so I went way in the back, found a secluded location for our tent and set about the usual duties one has when “Roughing It.” Where we were in the campground there was no one around. We were actually on the Northeast side with only open forest for miles at the back of our tent. I scouted the area directly behind us and noticed some downed trees I could use for firewood. I went to work. The heat was unbearable, it was around noon already and I was anxious to get on with our first hike of the area I’d surveyed before it got dark. The camp master came round and checked on us as we were preparing to leave for our afternoon excursion. I couldn’t help myself-I had to ask.
“Ever seen anything strange around here in the forest?” I asked. My girlfriend rolled her eyes, and walked away towards the open trunk of our car. This guy actually shot me a look of suspicion. In fact he eyed me cautiously, which prompted a look of surprise from me. He shifted gears obviously and spouted something about Black Bears being in the area over the last few weeks and that we should be careful if we ventured out into the forest.
She popped off something about being eaten alive and objected right then to doing any hiking in the park at all.  I looked at him like “Really?” He jumped back on his motorized cart with a smile on his face and pulled off. It was obvious that She wasn’t going anywhere; it took me a few minutes to get her refocused on how far we’d driven to get there and why we were there in the first place. Eventually she caved and we left for the trail head. It was at that point I figured; if and when I started finding obvious signs of Bigfoot activity…I’d keep it to myself. No need to make matters worse.
The way this brief expedition unfolded from this point is very humorous to me, because she was never aware of any of what I observed on our first and only hike together in the Ocala National Forest. What in fact did happen…to her own dismay, was that she ended up in the foreground of the first picture I ever took of a Bigfoot.
On our hike we took one back-back that I carried. In it was five pounds of plaster for making casts of tracks, if we came across any, about a gallon and a half of water, six energy bars, some fishing tackle, and our cell phones, both fully charged and turned off. I had on each hip what I jokingly refer to as “the right and left hand of God,” my two very sharp twenty-eight inch machetes.
 I do not carry weapons other than the two blades that are always on my side when I hike on expedition. I’m very good with both of them; I can cut a four inch sapling in half with one very powerful swing.
We humped it to the trail head and to my delight it was grown over into a full canopy, the temperature in direct sunlight was unbearable. We had shade, which would make for a much more comfortable hike to the off trail turn I had to find that would take us to the lake I found on satellite. It took us a while to get to the spot. Although the trail was wide and mad for a very easy hike, the brush on both sides of it was thick and nasty with gnarled up fallen trees, and vines, poison ivy and oak were everywhere. I made note of some sections of forest that were downed and burned, the trees, several hundred of them, upwards of one hundred and fifty feet tall, we all lying in the same direction. It’s very common to see this while hiking thick forest here in Florida-particularly after a very active hurricane season. The winds in a good size storm like a hurricane always knock down thousands of trees; they fall like dominos in the same direction. The forestry service will sometimes do a controlled burn in spots like these to prevent a wild fire from starting in these dried, downed areas. It was as we got to the exact spot that we needed to be at to make our turn off the Florida trail, that I noticed the first of some very obvious signs that there was something big in the area recently. On the North side of the trail, about 20 feet or so into the brush was a broken off 4 inch thick sapling.

 The area was otherwise undisturbed. The tree was broken off at around 5 feet. I marched off trail right over to it and observed that it had been twisted, not cut.  The core of the sapling was splayed out in a spiral shape indicating the twist. The break was still fresh, not dried out yet. It doesn’t take a genius to see and determine these things. The top portion of the sapling, which I estimate was around 45 feet high, compared to the other saplings in the area that were still standing, was gone and nowhere to be found.
 It turns out that a juvenile pine tree and in particular the young shoots at the top, are good to eat and although at the time as I observed all of this I was unaware why something or rather someone would do this, it was obvious whatever did it was very strong.  Was it a bear or a Bigfoot? At that point I knew two things, based on what the camp-master so eagerly told us, there were bears in the area, and based on my research of Native American History in the area and the sightings record; there have been Bigfoot in the area for a very long time. They have been seen there for over two hundred years. I am sure that some will think it could have been a man who twisted down the 40 foot sapling, but why, and why here, In the middle of nowhere? Try to imagine watching somebody try to “Twist” a 45 foot, 4 inch thick tree in half, looks pretty funny huh?  Its common sense here people.
Now, all this is going on and I’m off trail and over there examining all of this and looking at this broken tree and she shouts from the trail, “Hey, what is it? What’s going on?” to which I reply, “Nothing…just looking.”
I snapped a few photos of the tree and the area and walked back to the trail. Now I was looking. To my surprise, on the other side of the main trail was a pronounced “game trail” leading in the direction we needed to go to get to the isolated lake. I asked her if she was ready to begin the second leg of our hike, she objected to going off trail. It took me a few moments to calmly redirect her thinking to why we were there in the first place, she caved and we headed off trail in the direction of the water source.
The first 40 yards was no big deal, there were obvious tracks and signs of deer and wild hogs, but then the ground cover got deep, and it was chest deep in some spots. For around 45 minutes we never saw our waist or feet.
She was losing it again. She was going on about snakes and “Are we going to live?” and “we should go back!” and everything someone that did not want to be there would say to not have to be there.
A few times when the ground brush was up to my shoulders, I almost couldn’t move at all to swing my blades; I wanted to turn back myself. For once I was in agreement but I still said,
 “Were fine,” I kept saying “Keep moving and stay directly behind me and you‘ll be fine,” hoping it was true. I had gotten us into some seriously thick bush and was determined to get us out.
 Just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse, I felt a crawling sensation all over me, tics…and lots of them. They were all over me, dozens of them. I didn’t dare say a word, if she hadn’t noticed, maybe she wouldn’t. This went on for what seemed an eternity and then finally, the ground cover started to thin and turned into a very high grass. I knew the water was close and pushed on. I could see a break in the trees and ground cover up ahead. We came upon a clearing and finally…the sun. Looking back at what we had just come through, I knew somehow I’d wandered off the game trail and we suffered for it for almost an hour. But there’s something gratifying in the exploration of unfamiliar wilderness, especially when you find what you knew was always there on the map. I felt a deep sense of accomplishment. After all, we had just cut a trail to a spot where there was no trail before. We had reached the pond. Still at the edge of the thick ground cover I took a second to pull the tics off my arms and neck, she hadn’t noticed them yet.
I looked at her and said, “You might want to do the same.” I could see they were all over her too.
She lost it and was very upset with me.
“What, I didn’t put them on you.” I said.
 I was focused on the other side of the clearing; there was another obvious sign, a very large, five or six hundred pound chunk of tree that looked to have been placed in the split of a another standing tree, between two thick branches.
I walked over to the spot and found drag marks leading from the base of the log into the jungle. I looked for the stump the chunk of tree came from but never found one. All of the bark had been removed from the piece of tree. I never said a word to her, although she kept after me asking “What?” while she wailed on about the tics all over her.
“Just looking,” I said, as I photographed the incident.
We took a minute and cleaned each other like monkeys pulling tics off of our clothing and out of each other’s flesh. She wanted to leave; calmly, I took a minute and redirected her thinking to why we were there in the first place, she caved and we pressed on. We approached the lake from the clearing; she had her fishing pole ready to go, to find that the lake was gone. It had dried up. We were disappointed to say the least.

She wanted to leave; calmly, I took a minute to redirect her thinking to why we were there in the first place. I charged out into the grassy dry lake bed, some spots were still a little muddy, which meant that the entire lake might not be gone. The lake bed was surrounded by a thick- one hundred and fifty foot tall pine forest on all sides. The spot was incredible. Looking back at her I shouted, “Can I pick a spot or what?”
She wanted to leave; again, I redirected her thinking to why we were there in the first place. Glancing around, I noted something odd off to my left. About a hundred yards away, several-seventy foot saplings were pulled down to the ground forming very large arches, they looked to have been fastened by their tops to other smaller trees near the ground. I said nothing of this to her. I photographed the incident. She followed me further out into the waist high grass.
I surveyed the entire dry lake bed; it was bigger than I thought. I’d say it was around fifty acres in total size. It wound around a sharp corner to the left of my position and I couldn’t see the other end. The ticks were on us again. She made a lot of racket in very high pitched tones, which actually worked out great and served my purpose for being there perfectly. My Idea was to get there and make a spectacle of ourselves to hopefully attract the attention of “anyone” that was in the area. In looking back on the experience, if the lake would have still been full, what was about to happen, would never have happened. She got Irate over the tics, insisted we leave immediately and at that point I’d had enough of the howling even if it was going to serve my purpose for being there. I quickly moved passed her, turned around and said, “Say cheese!”
I raised the camera and zoomed a bit, she was annoyed so I zoomed back out. As looked through the viewfinder and framed her up dead center, I was about to pull the trigger on the shot, when I caught movement off in the tree line about a hundred yards or so behind her in the right side of the frame. I quickly moved the shot over a bit and snapped the photo. My shift to pick up whatever was moving pushed her to the left hand side of the shot. I pulled the camera down from my eye and I stood for a moment staring at the tree line, it was heavily shaded, backlit by the afternoon sun, I saw nothing. But there was a small hill with bushes at its base near where the water would be if there was still water there. I could have sworn I saw something moving as I looked through the viewfinder and snapped the photo. We were only in the area for a total of around 20 minutes, of which she complained loudly the entire time, she had a point. The tics were so bad; it was like a science fiction movie or something.
We left the area, post haste, with the evidence I had no Idea we had.
That night, back at our campsite we had a nice fire. We were assaulted by hundreds of tics. We were both freaking out and uncomfortable about being there. We decided to spend the night and leave in the morning. I pulled out the cameras after we ate and began reviewing the photos from the days hike. It was then as the fire was dying down that realized I had taken my first photo of a Bigfoot. I was looking at the shot of her that I took just before we left the lake bed, and laughing at the look on her face when I noticed something behind her on the right side in the tree-line, right where I thought I saw the movement.
I zoomed in on the background and there he was. I caught his entire right side, apparently as he stood up and turned to leave. His head, shoulder, his entire right arm and hand, and his right thigh, he was clearly visible. Judging by the size and height of the large bush in front of him that partially concealed his lower legs.
Based on the surrounding brush height, I’d say he was around eight and a half feet tall and weighed close to seven hundred pounds.
Figure 3- close up image of an Ocala National Forest Bigfoot,                                                                          photo is zoomed and cropped only; right side of Sasquatch.
I couldn’t just “leave” in the morning. Not now, with the possibility of what is in the photo. I started in on her about maybe going fishing before we left and then I just said it. “Look, look what I found in this photo of you.”
She was doubtful as the closed minded tend to be, but then she really looked at the image in the photo and got quiet.
I said, “You know, you may be one of the only people on earth that’s posing in a photo with a Bigfoot.”
Somehow that wasn’t funny to her.
I told her I wanted to go back to the spot in the morning.                                                                                                   She said there was “No way she would go back, not now, not ever.” And “Certainly not if that thing was really in the photo.” I told her “I had to.” She agreed to go do a spot of fishing in the morning while I went back…alone.
I put out the fire and we climbed into the tent around 11:00 p.m. for what turned out to be a very eventful night with very little sleep. As I lay there in the tent, the thought tics all over me and of what was in the photo sank in, somehow eventually we both fell asleep.
She woke me a few hours later pulling at my shirt…she was whispering that something was out there. As I lay there silently, to my own horror; it sounded like a man was approaching. The steps were sneaky, but I absolutely heard them. I looked over at her; I don’t know what was going through her mind, but she had this look of terror frozen on her face. Suddenly I realized, whoever it was was coming from the open forest behind our tent, not the dirt road leading to our site. Now I was freaked out. We both lay there dead still and dead quiet. The footsteps came all the way up to my side of the tent, by my head. I could feel his presence, he was right there inches away from me, hovering. The feeling reminded me of the presence I felt in my first encounter two weeks earlier. Whoever it was, continued to hover there for a few minutes and then thankfully…suddenly, like they were satisfied with what they found, walked off confidently towards the forest. I was altogether…not ok after that experience, and neither was she. The morning finally came. I was excited about what happened in the night, she really didn’t have much to say about it. I think at that point, she was having trouble with what reality was showing her.
 “This is not supposed to happen,” was-I’m sure what was going through her mind. It’s a difficult thing to accept. I understood completely, her resistance to accepting any of what was going on. Somehow even with all our preventive efforts, the tics found their way through our defenses.
We carefully cleaned and repacked all our gear, to prevent any hitchhikers from coming with us. I had but a few hours to get back out there and check out the spot for comparison analysis. If it was a tree, or stump, it would be there. Shadows don’t take humanoid form generally speaking. But just to be sure at breakfast I filtered some of the shadow out of the photo, he didn’t disappear, he got more and more prominent. I was ecstatic. We finished packing the site, jumped in the car and headed to the trail head. She dropped me off and shouted out the window as I walked towards the trail, “You sure about this?”To which my reply was, “No…I’m not, but I’m going anyway.” She shook her head and drove off. I turned towards the trail, and headed in. My pace was furious, undaunted by my fears I charged to the spot where I had to turn off trail. I checked the time, I made it in half the time it the two of us the day before. I was pleased with myself. I looked over at the broken off sapling, it was right where I left it. I turned and eyed the game trail that led us into the hell we found ourselves in the day before. “Not today.” I scouted up the trail ahead and found another path that looked like it led into the area of the lake. I followed it until I came upon another wall of the same thick cover we got in the day before. “Shit!” I thought, here we go again. This time I slowed my speed and took my time cutting everything in my path before I moved forward. I watched closely for the tics, only a few got on me the entire time. It took a while, but eventually I came upon the clearing and saw the “leaner” tree trunk. I made my way over to it through the tall grass and looked around.
The morning sun was bright as I cautiously stepped out into the lake bed. I turned to the right to look at the area I took the photograph, it was lit up, no shadows at all, and there was no “humanoid” shaped tree or stump. I knew right then, I had done it. It was a Bigfoot in the photo, no doubt. I walked along the edge of the lake bed to the exact spot of my shot. There was a small hill behind the big bush. In the photo he is standing on the hill. The bush was around 12 feet tall, confirming that he was around 8 feet in height. I was very excited about seeing all this, or rather what I didn’t see. I took my time and went over the entire area of the photo looking for tracks. I found none. The leaf litter was very thick. I did find a few small sticks piled up at the base of a pine tree. I found a nice piece of hard wood that was just the right size and went looking for a good hard tree to knock a few times. I don’t usually do “Knocks” but at this point, I thought, what the hell. I was walking the perimeter of the lake bed, the wind was moving the treetops, and there was no other sound. I found a nice Florida oak and went over to it. I looked around again and listened to the wind.
I struck the tree once, as hard as I could.
The “Thunk” of good, hard wood connecting powerfully echoed across the lake bed and traveled a good ways into the surrounding forest. I listened...Nothing, just the wind.
 I tried again and listened…Nothing.
My third try I knocked twice, I swung with everything I had and listened…at first I heard only the wind.

And then…Thump, thump…In the distance, from way back in the forest on the other side of the lake bed I got a response. I could not believe this. All of this was really happening, it was really out here. I knocked several more times, and got no other responses. I was betting he was watching me from somewhere off in the tree line again, so I took to making an ass out of myself trying to really get him in close. Then I’d stop abruptly, turn in a random direction and snap a photo of the treeline. I did this for around a half an hour until I covered most of the tree line around the lake. I found no other dark human-like figures or shapes in any of the photos from that morning.
 It was time to go; I had a good hike in front of me, I left the area and have not been back since that morning.

"Why Am I so convinced Bigfoot is real?" part 2

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September, 2013-The old man of the swamp.
A little over one year after our shockingly successful Myakka expedition, I took my friend Matt to a place on the outskirts of Palm Beach County called the “Pine Glades Natural Area.” It’s basically a gigantic wetland pine prairie/swamp that has been set aside as a wildlife and hunting preserve for many years. This area is hunted heavily during the designated hunting seasons. It borders the eastern edge of another wildlife preserve called the “Dupue Reserve.”

Dupue encompasses 21,875 acres of harsh Florida wilderness. It lies on the eastern edge of Lake Okeechobee and is probably the most overlooked piece of wilderness in South Florida. Native American archeological sites within the park date back to 500 B.C. The Seminole Indians used this area during their war with the U.S. government in 1835 as a refuge until they were eventually captured and shipped off to Oklahoma.
I make note of this because the Seminole Indians also encountered the giant wild-men of the swamps of South Florida. These accounts go all the way back to the beginning of Florida’s Native American Indian history. 

Together those tracks of land, combined with several other large ones are a part of the “Swamp and Forest Corridor” that covers over a hundred thousand acres of wilderness in the area and stretches for sixty miles or so from the western edge of West Palm Beach to the eastern edge of Lake Okeechobee.
I was with a new research partner that day that’d never been out looking for evidence before. We got to the area before sunrise, followed the dirt road in and found an area within the swamp that looked promising. I always look for the dry areas within the swamp to conduct my research. There was a small canal next to the dirt road we were on so we fished for a little while until the sun came up a bit. This kind of swamp is not the kind of swamp you want to be hiking through in the dark, it’s filled with gators and venomous snakes.
Once the sun came up we hiked into the knee deep water and muck for about three hundred yards or so to a huge semi-dry cabbage palm hammock that had to be at least ten feet high.
There were large game trails leading into the hammock. Once again these trails had a “tunnel” shape to them. This does not occur naturally. These trails may have started out as normal game trails on the ground, but they were cleared vertically as well, just like the trail in grassy waters and my first encounter. I have a theory about these trails; I’ll cover that later on in the book.
We were looking around catching our breath when all of the sudden some hunters in a very loud swamp buggy started coming into the area. It sounded like they were about a mile away from us, but those buggies are very loud and I figured if there was a chance of seeing a Bigfoot around the area, It just ended. These guys are like bulls in a china shop, man.
Part of how they hunt the hogs is to not putt a muffler on the engine; it literally scares the shit out of any living thing in the area, especially the hogs that are bedded down in the thick cabbage and saw palmettos. The hogs jump up and take off out of the thick hammock into the shallow open water in a panic and the hunters start blasting away at the herd like mad men. It’s not subtle at all, but it is effective. The short hike to out to the huge cabbage palms was exhausting; we had no desire to continue at that point now that the shotguns were going off. I suggested we return to the car and drive in deeper to look for higher ground.
We were no more than one-hundred yards from the car having just started our hike into the area we were interested in. I was looking down at the trail we were on for a second and when I looked up, there he was in the middle of the trail about a hundred feet ahead of us in mid air.
He was around five feet off the ground; his legs were spread like a hurdle jumper.
The hair on his body was “Whisping” in the breeze as he flew across the trail at an impossible speed. 
Drawing courtesy of Joe Wilson-
based on my descripiton

At first, I thought I was hallucinating. He landed perfectly with no sound at all behind a palm frond at the edge of the right side of the trail. As he landed the muscle in his right peck, right arm and leg shook. He stood still for a second or two. I knew I was not hallucinating now. All of this only lasted maybe 3 seconds. But I got a good look at him. The skin on his face was pale grey. The bone structure of his face was primitive, his nose flat and wide. His eye sockets were darkened and shadowed by his brow-ridge. He did not have the ape-like cranial ridge that is described by so many eyewitnesses including my son. He had a human-type of head, but with a very pronounced brow-ridge and smaller forehead.
The weirdest part of what I saw was the hair on his head…It hung down past his huge, bulging shoulders, it was silver and grey, parted in the middle and perfectly straight. It had a shine to it and was actually quite nice looking. “He looked like a rock star, man.” It freaks me out to this day remembering how groomed it looked.
This is exactly "Who" I saw
Clearly this is not a non-human primate

Having seen a giant hairy humanoid jump the entire trail in front of me and then having actually found the tracks it left behind, I have a firm grip on the reality that Bigfoot exists. I saw it and then found the evidence of what I saw.
I also realize, that statement will seem ridiculous to most people; if they are ignorant of this part of reality.

Furthermore, now I understand why someone who relies on “programming” to form opinions about this subject would have the opinions they do about what Bigfoot is; they are the only conclusions these people are capable of coming to since they have an ignorant or “filtered” framework of information to draw their conclusions from; their point of reference is not based on a complete scope of the truth on the subject.
That being said, almost immediately after my own sighting of a Bigfoot, I noticed that I too was suffering from an “incomplete” point of view on the subject. I believe it was normal that upon witnessing what I did in fact witness, certain questions immediately came to mind regardless of the implications of those questions, and more importantly; who is implicated by asking these logical questions. In other words: I had a new “POINT OF REFERENCE,” to judge this information against. This is something that 99% of the public does not have. I’m willing to bet that if you are reading this now, and you have seen a Bigfoot at some point in your life you have noticed some of what I’m going to say now.

What I saw was in no way related to what has been suggested so many times in the “programming” I received from the so called “Experts” that are “Helping” all of us to “Explain” or “Find” Bigfoot.

I was confronted with the fact that there is a very real conflict between the information we are receiving about all of this from the so called “experts” and what we are in fact seeing running around out there.

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